(EOL documents are available also at the Italian mirror site)
Philip Bohlman
Music, Myth, and History in the Mediterranean: Diaspora and the Return to Modernity, Ethnomusicology Online 3, 1997
Tullia Magrini
Repertories and identities of a musician from Crete, Ethnomusicology Online 3, 1997
Svanibor Pettan
The Croats and the question of their Mediterranean musical identity, Ethnomusicology Online 3, 1997
Amnon Shiloah
On Muslim and Jewish musicians of the Mediterranean , Ethnomusicology Online 3, 1997
Karl Signell
Mediterranean musicians in America, Ethnomusicology Online 3, 1997
Tullia Magrini
Ballad and gender: reconsidering narrative singing in Northern Italy, Ethnomusicology Online 1, 1995