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a) Agirê Jiyan, Adarê [Fire of Life, March] A number of songs were written for the PKK guerillas. Agire Jiyan’s 1999
Hêlîn album contains three compositions written for female PKK
guerillas that died during the civil war. Those songs are called
Zilan, Sarya, and Hêlîn, all of which are the nicknames of guerillas. Sometimes what makes these songs popular is the meaning of the lyrics rather than the musical quality
per se.
Şervanê li ser zinar û lat
Dibezin ber bi roja felat
Gelê me rabe roja nû hat
Ew şehidin rewşa welat
Warriors on top of the rocks of mountains
Run for the day of salvation
Wake up my people, the new day has come
They were the ones who died for their countries
Agirê Jiyan, Adarê, Kom Müzik 1996.
b) Rotinda,
Veqet În (‘To Separate’)
On his Naygotin, Rotinda, a Kurdish musician living in exile in Germany, mentions that he had written
Veqet În for a PKK guerilla, who had died on the mountains. The following is an example of various songs naming PKK guerillas and detailing their life stories.
Veqet În
[To separate]
Dildara min
Here ji tere oxirbe
Şitlê jiyana min
Here li ser rê nesekine
Serkeftin ji te re
Hezar caran
My beloved,
Go, goodbye
The spring of my life
Go, never stop on the road
I wish you good luck
A thousand times c) Hozan Hogir, (Dîrok ‘History’) I have claimed earlier that the kom concept has probably been taken from the leftist tradition. We can see some examples honoring solidarity among the peoples of the world, and, in a sense, a strong notion of internationalism. Hozan Hogir, who was also a guerilla of the PKK, died in the mountains and has a song called Dîrok. The lyrics emphasize the notion of solidarity and the strong background of the struggle of the oppressed against the oppressor from an international perspective. Thus, I believe those songs have tried to build on the relationship between the global struggles of leftist and separatist groups.
d) Kawa, Heliyam (‘I Melted’)
We have many examples of songs that have been written for the leader of the PKK. Kawa is a good example of the musicians affected by the PKK movement. His Ava Evînê album contains a song called Heliyam, which mentions the recent arrest of Abdullah Öcalan, the leader of PKK. He uses the word Serok (Kurdish, meaning ‘president’, or ‘head’) to name the leader of the movement, to whom he expresses his love and commitment [8].