Aymma wa ya Lalla, from the CD Poèmes
d'Amour des Femmes du Sud Marocain, ALCD 126, Al
Sur/Media7, 1994.
L'Harka li Jeya, from the CD Poèmes
d'Amour des Femmes du Sud Marocain, ALCD 126, Al
Sur/Media7, 1994.
Ammalya, from the CD Voices of
Marrakech, MRF records 005/2, 1997.
Arfoud, from the CD B'Net Houariat,
Womad Select/Real World, forthcoming.
Ayly Ayly, recorded in Rome, Teatro
dell'Acquario, 15 October 1998.
Khelliouni Menni, recorded at
"L'Usine", Vitry sur Seine, December1997.
L'Harka li Jeya, from the CD Maghreb
& Friends, ACT 9261-2, 1998, recorded at
"L'Usine", Vitry sur Seine, December 1997
together with Nguyên Lê (electric guitar), Karim
Zyad (drums and ganbri), Michel Alibo (electric bass)
, Stefano Di Battista (alto sax), Jean Jaques Avenel
The B'net Houariyat on stage, from
"B'net Houariyat à Musiques
Métisses" (by Jean-Marc Birraux, Groupe
Bataille, Angoulême, 29-05-1998).
Heating up the drums, from "B'net Houariyat
Diwan à l'Usine" (by Melik Oughanian,
Paris, December 1997).
I would like to thank Rachida Naam for cooperating
with the translation of the lyrics of the songs.