Organizing Committee
ESEIW and ESEM General Co-Chairs
Forrest Shull
Fraunhofer Center - Maryland, USA
fshull [at] fc-md [dot] umd [dot] edu

Carolyn Seaman
University of Maryland, Baltimore County, USA /
Fraunhofer Center – Maryland, USA
cseaman [at] umbc [dot] edu
ESEM Program Co-Chairs

Guilherme Horta Travassos
COPPE, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
ght [at] cos [dot] ufrj [dot] br

Oscar Pastor
Univesitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain
opastor [at] dsic [dot] upv [dot] es
ESEM Short Papers and Posters Co-Chairs

Clemente Izurieta
Montana State University, USA
clemente [dot] izurieta [at] cs [dot] montana [dot] edu

Emilia Mendes
Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden
emilia [dot] mendes [at] bth [dot] se
ESEM Industrial Experience Track Chair

Lorin Hochstein
Nimbiss Services, Inc., USA
lorin [at] nimbisservices [dot] com
ISERN Co-Chairs

Barbara Russo
Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy
brusso [at] unibz [dot] it
ISERN Co-Chairs

Jeffrey Carver
University of Alabama, USA
Carver [at] cs [dot] ua [dot] edu

Tomi Mannisto
University of Helsinki, Finland
tomi [dot] mannisto [at] cs [dot] helsinki [dot] fi

Marjo Kauppinen
Aalto University, School of Science, Finland
marjo [dot] kauppinen [at] aalto [dot] fi
IDoESE Co-Chair

Stefan Wagner
University of Stuttgart, Germany
stefan [dot] wagner [at] informatik [dot] uni-stuttgart [dot] de
IDoESE Co-Chair

Daniel Méndez
Technical University of Munich, Germany
mendezfe [at] in [dot] tum [dot] de
ESEM Proceedings Chair

Davide Falessi
Fraunhofer Center - Maryland, USA
d [dot] falessi [at] ieee [dot] org
ESEM Publicity Chair

Sreedevi Sampath
University of Maryland, Baltimore County, USA
sampath [at] umbc [dot] edu
ESEIW Local Arrangements Co-Chairs

Marvin V. Zelkowitz
University of Maryland, USA
mvz [at] cs [dot] umd [dot] edu

Mohammad S. Raunak
Loyola University Maryland, USA
raunak [at] loyola [dot] edu
ESEIW Financial Chair

Lucas Layman
Fraunhofer Center - Maryland, USA
llayman [at] fc-md [dot] umd [dot] edu

Benjamin Houdeshell
University of Maryland, Baltimore County, USA
houdesh1 [at] umbc [dot] edu