ANNOUNCEMENT: Availability of student travel grants to attend ESEM, IDoESE, and IASESE 2013
The organizers of the Empirical Software Engineering International Week (ESEIW) 2013 are pleased to announce the availability of funding from the US National Science Foundation to assist graduate students in attending ESEIW events, specifically ESEM, the doctoral symposium IDoESE, and the empirical school IASESE.
Travel grants are available in amounts up to $1200 for approximately 15 graduate students (both masters and doctoral levels), to be used for travel expenses (transportation, hotel, registration, and/or meals) for attending the ESEM conference AND either IDoESE or IASESE.
Students wishing to apply for funding should complete the online application by July 22, 2013. Application evaluation and selection will be performed by a committee of 3 of the ESEIW organizers. The selection criteria will be, in descending order of importance:
- The likelihood that participation in the events will be able to positively impact the student's work
- Citizenship and country of study (priority will be given to US citizens, followed by noncitizens studying in the US)
- Under-represented minorities and women
- Those who are co-author on an accepted paper, short paper, or poster at ESEM
Decisions will be made and communicated before the early registration deadline for ESEM.
Please direct any questions to Dr. Carolyn Seaman (cseaman [at] umbc [dot] edu), ESEIW co-General Chair
Supported by the NSF (Award number: CCF-1340881).