A special feature of Probability and Statistics Day at UMBC 2014 is that the conference, including the workshop, is open to all statistics graduate students
from UMBC and local universites free of charge; however, REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED! The deadline to register is Friday,
April 11, 2014. // REGISTER NOW
For more information, contact any member of the organizing committee:
Bimal Sinha
Conference Chair
Kofi Adragni
Yvonne Huang
Yaakov Malinovsky
Thomas Mathew
Nagaraj Neerchal
DoHwan Park
Junyong Park
Anindya Roy
Elizabeth Stanwyck
The Department of Mathematics and Statistics at UMBC will hold the 8th Annual Probability and Statistics Day at UMBC during April 18–19, 2014. The event is funded by the National Security Agency, and will consist of a half-day workshop on Friday afternoon and a full day conference on Saturday. Probability and Statistics Day at UMBC is open to statisticians from all local universities, government agencies, and private industries (registration required). The event is free for all statistics graduate students from UMBC and local universities (registration required).
Jorge Morel
Procter & Gamble
Nagaraj Neerchal
Analysis of Overdispersed Data using SAS
Montserrat Fuentes
North Carolina State University
Nonparametric spatial-temporal modelling of the association between ambient air pollution and adverse pregnancy outcomes
Xuming He
University of Michigan
Analysis of Quantiles
Regina Liu
Rutgers University
Combining nonparametric inferences using data depth, bootstrap and confidence distribution
Soumendra Lahiri
North Carolina State University
Empirical likelihood in high dimensions
Erniel Barrios
University of Philippines at Diliman, Philippines
Computational Statistics Methods in Spatial-Temporal Models
Montip Tiensuwan
Mahidol University, Thailand
Nonlinear Mixed Effects Models in Patients with Colorectal Cancer
Aylin Alin
Dokuz Eylul University, Turkey
Robust BCa-JaB method as a diagnostic tool for linear regression models
Johan Lim
Seoul National University, South Korea
Recent advances on fused lasso regression