E-Teacher Academic Program

The academic program for the E-Teacher Professional Development Workshop has two components: project development and academic workshops.

Project Goal

By the end of the Workshop, all participants will have completed a professional development (PD) plan uniquely suited to their local EFL context. This plan should disseminate widely the knowledge and skills learned through the U.S. Department of State's E-Teacher Scholarship Program. The training plan can be a continuation of the final project participants developed in their online E-Teacher course or a newly designed project based on participants' combined experiences in their online course and the three-week summer program.

The Scholars' Conference Schedule for the 2012 summer workshop is available here.

The link to the livestream broadcast of the conference is here:

Project Format

At UMBC, instructional systems design or ISD is widely used to develop effective training programs. The ISD ADDIE Model will be used to help guide the development, implementation, and evaluation.
Note: Workshop participants will receive instruction on the ADDIE model during the program, but can get some basic information here.

E-Teacher Professional Development Workshops

The following are examples of workshops given by some leading experts in the field of TESOL for the academic program:

  • Dr. Joan Kang Shin, UMBC, Teaching English to Young Learners
  • Dr. Leslie Opp-Beckman, UO, Differentiated Instruction
  • Dr. Jodi Crandall, UMBC, Content-Based Instruction
  • Dr. Deborah Healey, UO, Critical Thinking
  • Dr. Sarah Shin, UMBC, Instructional Strategies for Teaching Reading and Writing
  • Dr. John Nelson, UMBC, TESOL Methods
  • Teresa Valais, UMBC, Learning Styles and Learning Strategies for ELLs
  • Janine Sepulveda, UO, Matching Learning Objectives to Assessments in Project-Based Learning
  • Jennifer Rice, UO, Writing Goals & Objectives for EFL/ESL courses
  • Heather Linville, UMBC, Language Assessment Principles
  • Tom Penniston, UMBC, Technology in the ELL Classroom: Web 2.0 and Social Media



participant 1Faisal, Jordan
"I was a dead teacher...now I'm back to life teaching English with fun!"
read more >
participant 2Elsa, Cape Verde
"The cross cultural experience...was fantastic and unforgettable!"
read more >

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