Industry Track CFP
7th International Symposium on Empirical Software
Engineering and Measurement Industry Track
October 10-11, 2013 – Baltimore, Maryland - USA
The ACM / IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM) is the premier conference for empirical software engineering methods and results. A major goal of ESEM is to disseminate results of interest to both researchers and practitioners. ESEM 2013 will be held October 10-11, 2013 in Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
The ESEM Industry track provides practitioners with an opportunity to publish experience reports of potential interest to the researcher and practitioner communities. We particularly encourage industry experience reports describing the outcomes (positive or negative) of evaluating or deploying different technologies, ideas or methods in an industrial setting, as well as any lessons learned. The main emphasis of the paper should be a detailed description of the setting, challenges, events and lessons learned. At least one contributing author must be from industry.
Papers may be anywhere between 4 and 10 pages in length, and an extensive description of related work is not required. Papers must conform to the IEEE authoring guidelines. Those papers that are accepted will be published in the proceedings and the Digital Library and the authors will be able to present and discuss their experiences at the conference.
Submission deadline: June 11, 2013Notification of acceptance: July 12, 2013
Program Committee
- Lorin Hochstein, Nimbis Services [Chair]
- Marc Fisher II, Google
- Gary Kumfert, Quiphon
- Mark Grechanik, UIC
- Jorge Aranda, Terapeak
- Peter Rotella, Cisco
- Andrew Begel, Microsoft